Freedom to link is paramount. – #internet #legislation #ndaa #sopa #cispa #anonymous #ows #occupy #usdor #opblackout

Freedom to link is paramount. Retweet, share, diverse and dangerous information, whatever. It matters not. It is your right. Share a lie to shine a light on it. Share a truth to spread it. Share a misconception to repair it.Share a knowledge to help people You have a right to link. Do not be confused by those who would disparage you for the information that you share. I fear our retweets will be exploited in smear tactics. Defeat these tactics with the truth.You have a right to link to whatever you wish. If we permit people to judge us for the content of our retweets, they will defeat our information renaissance. We must never let that happen. Some exploit the misdirection of blame for political gain, and misjudge us for the information we share. Defend your right to link. I'll be honest with you. I don't read every story that I share. I believe in crowd-sourcing, and I insist on the freedom to link. It doesn't always require science to change the world for the better. Share freely. IMHO, it is most crucial to be able to share strident opinions of those who feel stronger about an issue than we do. We share in gratitude. We must be free to link to the actions of those who are doing the things that we are not willing to do ourselves. Link to thank. Some would say, Why do you link to something you do not believe in or wouldn't do yourself? This attack would undermine the right to link. First of all, people are free to link for any reason, including no reason at all. Second, we aid our cause by linking to the people who are more strident or anxious to engage. Criticisms of right to link are invalid. This is easy to understand. For example, it is advantageous for people to follow their adversaries. Essential criticism of right to link: It is bad to retweet a drowning man, because drowning is bad. W/o retweets, the man drowns to death. Abit of an absurd example, but it is not difficult to formulate better ones, and it illustrates the point… Internet linkage combines right of assembly and right of expression. Linkage is doubly protected. Defend your right to link. It is no crime to be linked. Linkage is good, always. We will find that we depend our our links in order to live. If that's not a right, I don't know what is.

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