from the journal…

Yes, it’s been a while. Here are some hopefully interesting entries from the journal.

Those who have known me a long time might remember my
rant that critics of anti-bacterial soaps were intentionally trying to cause amputations. Here is a small background.

It might be possible to prevent the occurrence of chronic sores on the arms and legs with routine use of anti-bacterial soap on the limbs. Also filtered water for bathing might help. Bears investigating. You might not have to give up your favorite soap. 😉

The basis of this theory is that microbes adapt for life in the pores of the skin. When an injury occurs, immune cells mobilize and attack the microbes in the adjacent pores, spreading the injury. So, the anti-bacterial soap would prevent this from occuring.

Anti-bacterial soap like a shield, would prevent the occurrence of chronic sores in the limbs.

In another matter…

No one should be surprised, by something I’ve said many times. While we should be tolerant of people’s differences, trans and homosexual lifestyes are an unhealthful mistake, a bad idea, and a recipe for lifelong unhappiness. People should be treated with love and understanding but these practices should be avoided completely.

I recommend people make common cause with those who are opposed to the indoctrination of children to these unfortunate behaviors. Try conservative talk radio, and similar venues.

While on this subject, I’ll point out another well known point. Elective surgeries are a terrible idea and a mistake with similar implications. Pity that people turn off their brains and kiss up to fake medicial experts.

If you really want a lifetime full of unnecessary pain and problems, elective surgeries are just what you are looking for. This includes sexual transformation surgeries. Clearly, this should be avoided.

In contrast, heterosexual marriage, child bearing, and rearing can provide decades long fulfillment and a lifetime of happy memories. That’s the way to go.

Again, no one should be at all surprised by these views, and I cannot possibly be disuaded from them. My family years were among my happiest, most fulfilling experiences, and I cherish the memories of them.

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